SS |
1、剧本选择:在LOAD画面,将光标对准存储数据,输入→、↓、↑、←、R、Y、START、X、Z、C. |
(2)光标位置同上,输入←、↑、↓、→、←、X、→、↑、←、↓、→、X、C,此商店可以买到许多特殊物品(如果不行请使用:↑、←、→、↓、→、→、←、↑、↓、←、→、X、→、↑、←、↓、→、X、C)。 |
3、Sound Test:
At the loading screen, highlight any scenario save and press ↓, ↑, ↓, ↑, ↓, ←, →, X, C. |
4、Debug Mode:Highlight an empty square on the map and press ↓, ←, ↑, →, C, ←, ↑, Z, B, →, ↑, C, B, →, ↑, C. You will hear a sound effect if successful. Now you can control any unit on the map, even enemies and NPCs. Every unit gains every spell(including the Stone spell)/summon(only commanders can use the the summon command, though) in the game plus infinite MP and you can perform infinite actions within the same turn. You can't make enemies attack each other, though. |
PS |
1、剧本选择:在LOAD画面中将光标指向任意一个SAVE DATA,顺序输入→、↓、↑、←、R1、□、START、SELECT、△、○,的指令,然后就可以选择自己喜欢的剧本了。 |
(2)光标位置同上,输入←、↑、↓、→、←、SELECT、→、↑、←、↓、→、SELECT、○,即可进入另一商店,可购入超强武器。 |
3、特别的OPTION:选择LOAD DATA的画面内,输入↑、↓、↑、↓、←、→、SELECT、○,成功后可选听游戏的BGM、效果音或欣赏动画片段。 |
4、关卡中,光标对准没有单位的地方,输入:下 左 上 右 圆 左 上 角 叉 右 上 圆 叉 右 上 圆成功输入会有提示音,成功之后进入调试模式,可控制全部单位,拥有全部魔法和召唤. |
PC |
1、隐藏商店:兵士配置画面将光标指向道具装备的“购入”上,再快速输入:↑、←、→、↓、→、→、ALT,即可进入。这里面可以买到常规武器(注:所选之人须未装备道具)。 |
2、真隐藏商店:Highlight the word "Sell" in the shop menu and quickly press ↑, ↓, ←, →, ↓, ↓, →, ALT. The item shop will now have all the items in the game available to purchase. |
3、Scenario Select:At the save data loading screen, highlight any **scenario** save and quickly press →, ↓, ↑, ←, →, TAB, SPACE. You will hear a sound effect if the code was successful, now press ALT. You can now select any scenario in the game to play using the data of the selected save. |
4、Debug Mode:Highlight an empty square on the map and quickly press ↑, →, ↓, ←, ↑, →, ↓, ←, ↑, →, ALT, CTRL. You will hear a sound effect if successful. Now you can control any unit on the map, even enemies and NPCs. Every unit gains every spell/summon(only commanders can use the the summon command, though) in the game plus infinite MP and you can perform infinite actions within the same turn. You can't make enemies attack each other, though. |
5、欣赏动画:查找光盘目录下“stv”目录,将其中的内容拷贝出来修改扩展名为.avi即可直接使用。 |
用支持16进制的修改器修改安装目录下save0?.dat (注意:不能用“进行中”的记录)
01:小刀 02:战锤 03:巨剑 04:权杖 05:火之骑枪 06:魔斧 07:屠龙剑 08:圣剑 09:真圣剑
0a:铁哑呤 0b:梅杀阳剑 0c:水晶 0d:圣辉权杖 0e:圣辉权杖 0f:黑暗权杖 10:长弓 11:劲弩 12:魔剑
13:真魔剑 14:欧丁之盾 15:迷你盾 16:巨盾 17:锁子甲 18:锁金甲 19:人型武器 1a:长袍 1b:龙鳞之铠
1c:幻之袍 1d:护身符 1e:十字架 1f:项链 20:速度之靴 21:王冠 22:链条 23:神秘之石 |
PC-E |
1、选关:在存读档画面指定一个进度,同时按start和右键,再按I键 |
2、隐藏商店:在配置画面将指针指在ツョップ(shop)上按II键100下,成功的话就可以随心所欲的买了。 |
3、强化装备:在配置画面将指针指在アィテム(物品)上按II键100下,金钱变成0,道具栏里有13种装备,但没有圣剑与人形铠甲。 |
4、观看动画:标题画面按住↓和II,听到响声后自动进入动画选择界面 |
5、Debug Mode :In any map and, press and hold I+II+SELECT+RUN, then release SELECT. Now you can control any unit on the map, even enemies and NPCs. You can also perform infinite actions within the same turn and make enemies attack each other. |
6、Acquire Assault Suit:Move Lance to the upper-right corner of the Scenario 18 map. You will acquire the powerful Assault Suit that can only be used by Lance. |
7、:At the start menu press and hold I+II+SELECT+RUN, then release SELECT. Extra options will appear and now you will be able to transfer memory saves to the backup memory if you had performed a memory save then soft reseted. |
8、游戏画面暂停:按住select和II键 |
10、特别的标题画面 :在角色介绍的画面中,一直按着左上和SELECT |
11、隐藏剧情:全破后then hold RUN and press SELECT to soft reset the game在游戏开始时,光标指着最初から, 并一直按着 SELECT、RUN、Ⅰ的顺续就可进入隐藏剧情