Langrisser IV |
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1、剧本选择:在LOAD menu画面中,将光标指向SCENARIO DATA(途中DATA不可),输入L、Y、→、R、R、A,可选择已通过的关。 |
2、全剧本选择:在LOAD menu画面中,将光标指向SCENARIO DATA(途中DATA不可),输入L、Y、→、R、R、A+START,可选择任意关。 |
3、隐藏商店:选择完商店后,输入Y、A、↓、X、B,听到效果音响则表示成功。 |
4、真隐藏商店和获得51200P:选择完商店后,输入Y、A、↓、X、B+START,听到效果音响则表示成功。 |
5、音响测试:在显示“PRESS START BUTTON”的TITLE画面中,输入A、Z、Y、X、A、Z、X、Y,就可听到乐曲、效果音和对白。 |
6、Acquire All Spells&Summons plus MP=99:Highlight any ally commander on the battlefield and press X, X, B, B, A, A, B, Z. This code also affects enemies and summons, lasting only for the scenario where the code was input. |
7、Automatic Commander Arrangement:Select a commander in the map placement menu, then during the starting position selection on the map press X+Y+Z to automatically place all the commanders on the map. |
8、Infinite Money: Buy enough items to access the second page of your inventory, then unequip all of your weapons. At this point the second page must be full. Now sell all your items starting with the last item on the second page. Eventually you'll reach a point where you're selling the same item multiple times. You can continue to sell it until you have all the money you need. |
9、显示活跃度方法:游戏中,输入X,Z,Z,Z,Y,Y,R,L,B则会出现活跃度表,左起为:人物名字,活跃度,击破数。 |
10、Voice Actor Messages:After clearing the game, the OPTION menu will have a new category. You can listen to extra lines from the voice actors and some text recordings. |
11、NPC身上出现装备法:首先有通关记录,然后重新开始游戏,在第一话结束后,将通关的记录覆盖掉,再用选关到NPC出场的那一话,可以发现NPC已经拥有了装备。 |
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在LOAD DATA画面任选一个记录,输入□、↑、R1、△、↓、SELECT、○,可选择已通过的关。
在LOAD DATA画面任选一个记录,输入←、□、△、SELECT、L1、→、R1、△、X,可选择任意关。 |
真隐藏商店和获得51200P:进入商店,输入R1、↑、←、L1、↑、L1、□、×,可以购入圣剑。 |
在战场上找一位自己的同伴,然后按:SELECT、SELECT、X、X、□、□、X、△,该人物便能使用100%的召唤术及魔法了。 |
4、在战场上选定任意一名指挥官,然后按R1、L1、↑、△、□、×,然后该角色就可以拥有所有状态(包括异常状态)。巧用办法:可以先咏唱好恢复异常状态的魔法 然后选择施法范围,在初次选中(但没放出)的状态下使用秘籍,然后马上放魔法消除异常状态,就剩全部有利的状态了。 |
5、Voice Actor Messages & Omake Movie:At the start menu press L1, R1, L2, R2, ↑, →, □, X. You will hear an explosion sound effect if the code was successful. This enables a special voice actor message option in the Config Menu. To watch the the omake movie(which is Langrisser III's opening) in Config Menu, go to the last option(the voice actor messages), press ← to select it and ○ to play it. |
6、Automatic Commander Arrangement:Select a commander in the map placement menu, then during the starting position selection on the map press □+△+SELECT to automatically place all the commanders on the map. |